Andrew John Richardson, known to Fallnet as Rick, passed away on August 10, 1998. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.

Although I was not lucky enough to meet Rick in person, I grew to love him for his marvellous wit, his boundless generosity and the warmth of spirit he conveyed through ascii text so well.

Rick wrote the following post to Fallnet on June 9, 1995. In honor of his memory I'm giving it a permanent home here.

This list will soon resemble a virtual shopping mall (Mal as in Big Mal, not Mawl as in rugby) what with the covers tape and the t-shirts. What else could a virtual Fall Shopping Mall include?

Cameron's the Vet and Pet Shop
The J. Temperance Herbal Tea Bar
The Couldn't Get Ahead Tudor Fancy Dress Parlour
Older Lover Valentine Service - prop: J. Kandell
Big A & M herb store
The Curly-Wurly Choc-Stock, Pop Stickers and Weak Tea Emporium
Mr. Sociological Memory Man's Fortune Telling Parlour
Cab it Up Cabs
The Mad Kids Electrical Store '4.75 lights'
Shift Work Job Centre
Roly Poly Mans Hairdressing

[Click here for] map of Virtual Fall Shopping Mall

The Biggest Library Yet
A Lot of Wind Comfort Station a-go-go
Pat Trip Dispensers Alternative Highs
next door to
Mr Pharmacist
next door to
Underground medecine
next door to
Fiery Jack's Linament and Rub-it-all-over-lotionarium

[Click here to go 'Up the stairs mister'] to:

Bingo Masters Breakout 24 hour Housie-House Mecca Beetle Drive Extravaganza
Across the way: Solicitor in studio
By the bogs it's Kicker Conspiracy Sports Shop
There's the What U Need thrift shop next to:
John Quay's Fags n Skag

[Click here to go and collect your latest photographs from 'Big New Prinz' (free photo album with all orders)]

Hungry again? Why not drop into The Steak Place (Special today: Athlete Cured with Bournemouth Runner Beans -- yum, yum)? Or try the Eat Y'self fitter whole food restaurant and Internet 'Wots a Computer?' Cafe.

Hey, call into the Civic Buildings on the 2nd floor and Pay Yer Rates-ah. Drop into Music Scene the 25 hour a day music store selling nothing but Mekons albums! Get married, come on down Old Brother Gert, to, as mentioned by a previous poster to Hexen Definitive-Trouble and Strife Knot Hitch While-U-Fornicate.

Yes, there's a mad mad world of fun and purchasing power to be had down at the Reeves and Mortimer Virtual Fall Shopping Mall (not Mawll). And who IS that broken down geezer busking by the Fit n Working Again social security franchise just outside the Joker Hysterical Face Party Games and Plastic Poops Shoppe -- none other than.. well [ click here to find out]