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gigography 2014


"Cecelia" — gig intro tape ca. 2014-15; many thanks to Mark Howard for these.

and "Don't Marinate Me in White Wine", same era:


1 February 2014 - 29 August 2015: lineup # 69 : Mark E. Smith (vocals), Elena Poulou (keyboards), Pete Greenway (guitar), Dave "The Eagle" Spurr (bass), Keiron Melling (drums), Daren Garrett (drums).

Saturday, 1 February 2014    Gagarin 205, Athens, Greece


Victrola Time / Hungry Freaks Daddy / Wolf Kidult Man / I've Been Duped / Strychnine / Mister Rode / Remainderer / White Lightning / Cowboy George // Amorator / Theme from Sparta F.C.

Two full drum kits (Keiron Melling and Daren Garrett). MES off-stage following Mister Rode; Elena and Daren share rest of vocal duties. Reviews on the forum. Thanks to Costas2x4 for the video and Mark for the set.


19 April : "White Lightning" compilation released

Thursday, 1 May 2014    Warwick Arts Centre, Coventry

set beardy

Nate Will Not Return / Taking Off / Over! Over! / Mr. Pharmacist / Mister Rode / Amorator / Irish / Wolf Kidult Man / 2014 // The Remainderer / Bury // Sir William Wray / I've Been Duped

Sound problems and beard. Reviews on the forum and thanks again to Mark for the setlist and videos.


Tuesday, 6 May 2014    The Junction, Cambridge

set ticket

2014 / Mr. Pharmacist / Amorator / Wolf Kidult Man / Jetplane / Over! Over! / The Remainderer / Sir William Wray / Mister Rode / off stage / Bury / Reformation / off stage / Psykick Dancehall / off stage / Strychnine

M.E.S. off stage but singing from Bury onward. Reviews on the forum and thanks to Kiespijn for the setlist and Mike Dawson for the ticket.


Thursday, 15 May 2014   Manchester Cathedral

timing set

The Remainderer / Cowboy George / 2014 / Bury / White Lightning / Pledge / Sir William Wray / Happi Song / Mister Rode / Amorator! / Facebook Troll / Strychnine / Wolf Kidult Man / Hittite Man // Blindness // Reformation (aborted) > Mr. Pharmacist

Sounds like a great gig. New song "Pledge" written in the dressing room before the gig, says Daren. Review in the Manchester Evening News (I wonder how many "symbols" the drummers have between them) and loads on the forum with a particularly vivid one by Chris Goodhead. Thanks to Jacob Brailsford for the times, Mark for the setlist, and Stan Mission for the video.


Thursday, 29 May 2014   This Is Not a Love Song Indie Music Festival, Nîmes, France

By all accounts another good gig. The video by Penny Green-Shard of "Cowboy George" is not too shabby, either. Reviews on the forum.


Saturday, 31 May 2014   L'Espace Invaders, Le Havre, France


Thanks to Alexis for the setlist, who says: "A good performance of the band, but not M.E.S because after I've been Duped he sang off-stage Hittite Man, and they don't play Facebook, Jetplane was played but sung by Elena and Peter, don't play Container Drivers and M.E.S returned on stage only for Blindness." He thinks the running order might've been:

Remainderer / Sir William Wray / White Lightning / Cowboy George / Bury / Pledge / Mr. Rode / 2014 / Wolf Kidult Man / I've Been Duped / Hittite Man / Jetplane / Theme from Sparta F.C. / Blindness


Tuesday, 10 June 2014   Under the Bridge, Chelsea, London


The Remainderer / Cowboy George / Bury / White Lightning / Pledge / Sir William Wray / Mister Rode / I've Been Duped / Strychnine / Hittite Man / Blindness // Theme from Sparta F.C.

Reviews on the forum and thanks to Mark for the setlist. Also a review here by Danny Coughlan.


Wednesday, 11 June 2014   Under the Bridge, Chelsea, London

Amorator! / Hot Cake / Jetplane / Sir William Wray / Mr. Pharmacist / 2014 / Bury / The Remainderer / Psykick Dancehall / Mister Rode // Reformation / Wolf Kidult Man / Mr. Pharmacist (again)

Reviews on the forum, and thanks to Mark for the video.


Friday, 18 July 2014    Fiera della Musica, Comune di Azzano Decimo, Italy

The Remainderer / Cowboy George / Bury / 2014 > White Lightning > 2014 / Sir William Wray / Mister Rode // Blindness

Not 100% sure if that was all. Reviews on the forum and here. Marco wrote in saying "no beard this time, but glasses. the encore was 'blindness', which has been followed by heartedly generous applauses from the audience."


Sunday, 10 August 2014   Beacons Festival, Heslaker Farm, Skipton


The Remainderer / Cowboy George / Bury / Bam (Student-Village) / safety break due to a lot of wind / Mr. Pharmacist / Facebook Troll / White Lightning / Cock

Set curtailed by festival people due to high wind. Reviews on the forum. Thanks to Chris Goodhead for the video and setlist. "Cock" reminiscent of The Stooges' "Cock in My Pocket."


Saturday, 30 August 2014   Fibbers, York


Bam / Bumblebee / Cock in My Pocket / Jungle / Cowboy George / Bury / Wolf Kidult Man / The Remainderer // White Lightning // Pledge // Mister Rode

Elena didn't play due to allergic reaction to freshly painted venue. Reviews on the forum, and thanks to Chris and James for the setlist. A set opening with four new songs may be a first (apart from their first gig, as some wag pointed out).


22 September : "Creative Distortion" live album+DVD released (Blackburn 22 September 2002)

Thursday, 25 September 2014    Concorde 2, Brighton


Gone to Venice / The Remainderer / Cowboy George / Bury / 2014 / White Lightning / Hittite Man / Dedication / Mr. Rode // Cock in My Pocket

Sounds like a great gig. Reviews on the forum and thanks to Mark for the setist and Dedication (called "Bumblebee" last month in York).


Friday, 26 September 2014    Electric Brixton, London

Gone to Venice / The Remainderer / Cowboy George / Bury / 2014 / Get Off the Phone / Hittite Man / White Lightning / Dedication // Pledge / Wolf Kidult Man / I've Been Duped

Sounds like another good gig. Reviews on the forum. Thanks to Jordan for the setlist and extra thanks to Stan Mission for filming the gig.

29 Sept. The Master of Malevolance et al. reviewed in The Independent.

02 Oct. "When my father introduced me to The Fall’s music ten years ago, his briefing ran thus: ‘They’re interesting because Mark E. Smith lives in a house with no electricity and no running water.’" Entertaining review in the Spectator.

03 Oct. Joe Kennedy for The Quietus.


Saturday, 27 September 2014    Lower Kersal Social Club, Salford


Gone to Venice / The Remainderer / Cowboy George / Bury / 2014 / Wolf Kidult Man / Get off the Phone / Hittite Man / White Lightning / Mister Rode / Dedication // Weather Report (aborted) / Psykick Dancehall

Reviews on the forum and thanks to Mark for the setlist.


Sunday, 28 September 2014    Lower Kersal Social Club, Salford


Gone to Venice / The Remainderer / Hot Cake / Cowboy George / Bury / White Lightning / 2014 / Get Off the Phone / Hittite Man / Dedication // Mr. Rode / Strychnine

Reviews on the forum and thanks to Mark for the setlist.


29 September : "Yarbles" live album released (selection of tracks from Blackburn 22 September 2002...)

Saturday, 25 October 2014    Supermassive Festival, Helsinki, Finland


Gone to Venice / The Remainderer / Cowboy George / Bury / 2014 / Bam / Hittite Man / Dedication / White Lightning / Pledge / Theme from Sparta F.C. // Mister Rode / Mr. Pharmacist

Elena played while sitting in a wheelchair. Reviews on the forum. Thanks to Christian for the setlist.


27 October : "Live Uurop VIII-XII Places in Sun & Winter, Son" live compilation released

Thursday, 27 November 2014    The Garage, London


Amorator / Mister Rode / Gone to Venice / The Remainderer / Bam / Dedication / Cock in My Pocket / Hittite Man > Jungle / Cowboy George / Facebook Troll / 2014 // Hot Cake / Blindness

Reviews on the forum, and as always thanks to Hanley F. for the setlist. And to the mighty Stan Mission for once again uploading a whole gig!


Friday, 28 November 2014    Brudenell Social Club, Leeds

ticket set

Amorator / Mister Rode / Gone to Venice / The Remainderer / Bam / Dedication / Cock in My Pocket / Hittite Man > Jungle / Cowboy George / Facebook Troll / 2014 // Wolf Kidult Man / No Xmas for John Quays

Reviews on the forum, and thanks to Pete Conkerton for the ticket, Chris Trew for the video, and Hanley Fender for the setlist. He went to most of the 2014 gigs and says this was the best of the lot.


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